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2020 California Sales Tax Due Date

Zoe Lu

Updated: Aug 2, 2020

The official tax deadlines every year can be stressful. After filing business tax and individual tax, the due dates for sales tax are approaching. For retailers who run business in California, their business must register with the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) and pay sales tax according to the state's regulation.

The use tax applies to storage, use, consumption, and many kinds of purchases shipped to a California consumer from other states etc. The sales & use tax rate is around 9.5% in Los Angeles county and around 7.75% in Orange county.

Here is a chart of a 2020 quarterly sales tax filing due date in California:

2020 CA Sales Tax Filing Due Date

The nearest due date of filing sales tax is April 30, which is a month after the period end date March 31. Here is the 2020 California City & County official list of Sales and Use Tax rates.

Should you pay sales tax?

1. Services in California are generally not taxable, but if the service you provide includes creating a product, you may need to pay the sales tax.

2. Tangible products are taxable. If you are selling products in California, you can charge sales tax to your California customers.

If you plan to file sales & use tax, you can contact local tax services for help.

If you need advice or services on any aspect of bookkeeping, accounting and tax, our specialists are ready to help. Get in touch with us for free quote.


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